Welcome to Vagari’s 7th winter of sailing. We have put 8,000 miles under Vagari’s keel during those cruises but this year like last year won’t be a high mileage year. We just don’t have the lust for the long cruises that we did when we started cruising but we still enjoy living on board and sailing near our homeport. Welcome aboard! We hope you enjoy our blog. Your comments, questions and suggestions are appreciated and encouraged.

Friday, December 10, 2004

Passage to Ensenada de Los Muertors

December 4, 2004, B.C.S.

The wind was blowing fairly strong when we woke up on departure day. A strong tide was running the same direction as the wind. Two other boats said they were leaving that morning so I decided to go. Backing up Vagari is always exciting and today due to the wind and tide running across our beam was no exception. We backed within a foot of a piling put it in forward and took off. Another skipper complemented our smooth departure. I don’t think he was looking at Vagari.

Lots of eyeballs on board meant an easy trip through the harbor channel. The wind kept increasing however. By the time we were far enough north to turn east the wind and waves kept our speed down to 3 kts or less. The ladies were uncomfortable. We needed to average 5.5 kts arrive at the first possible anchorage in daylight. Once we turned south we put out our big headsail. We flew along at 7 kts. The ladies took naps; Bob and I enjoyed the sail. We dropped anchor 15 minutes after sunset in twilight in Ensenada de Los Muertors (the Bay of the Dead).

In the morning Bob and I took the dinghy to checkout the Giggling Marlin Beach and Yacht Club. We ordered drinks and decided to get the ladies. We couldn’t get the outboard started, no problem we had oars. One oar went overboard. Bob and I both went to get it and promptly went swimming. Great fun.

Meanwhile up at the “Yacht” club a fine example of American youth was passed out on the sand in front of the club. A young lady was trying to do handstands on his chest. Unusual for sure especially when you consider that she felt is necessary to do this without a top on. Of course it was ugly, Bob and I could barely stand to look. However we want to understand different culture experiences so we had to observe the local customs.

Lunch with the ladies was enjoyable and we got to meet another couple. She explained to us that she had her own set of morals and didn’t take her top off when children were around.

Bob and I like the bay of the dead.

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